Support Dan's Ironman challenge for Scoala Romaneasca!

Update - 9/4/17
Dear Friends,
As I am training for my next triathlon on Sunday, September 10th, my thoughts go back to my family: my supportive wife, our three young sons and a fourth one on the way. And while we've been blessed with great opportunities in this country, one thing that I miss is seeing our children in touch with their Romanian roots, speaking the language with their friends, learning about Romania and socializing with other Romanian-American children. This is a very difficult task, since our community is spread across the Tri-state area where there are currently no Romanian programs that bring children and families together around one goal: keeping close ties with our roots.
That was I thought at least until I learned about the Romanian School initiative, which proposes to do just that. Without our support, this type of initiative will not prosper and thrive. This program is only supported by volunteers from our community: your neighbors, friends, family.
My contribution to help this community will be raising funds from this triathlon. Your generosity will ensure these initiatives continue and become the cornerstone for a strong Romanian-American community.
Let's support our community and make this dream a reality.
Thank you,
Dragi prieteni,
In timp ce ma pregatesc pentru urmatorul meu triatlon de duminică, 10 septembrie, gandurile ma duc la familia mea: la sotia care ma sustine in acest efort, cei trei baieti ai nostri si un bebe care este pe drum. Si in timp ce am fost binecuvantati cu oportunitati deosebite in tara noastra de adoptie, un lucru care imi lipseste este sa ne vedem copii in legatura cu radacinile romanesti, ca vorbesc limba română cu prietenii lor, invata despre Romania si socializeaza cu alti copii Romano-Americani. Acesta este un lucru dificil deoarece comunitatea noastra este raspandita in zona tri-state unde in momentul acesta nu sunt programe romanesti care aduc copii si familiile lor impreuna injurul unui singur scop: de a tine aproape de radacinile lor.
Aceasta am crezut ca este situatia pana am aflat de initiativa Scolii Romanesti, care propune exact acest lucru. Fara ajutorul nostru, acest gen de initiativa nu se poate dezvolta. Acest program este sustinut doar de voluntari din comunitatea noastra: vecinii, prietenii sau familia dumneavoastra.
Contributia mea pentru ajutorul acestei comunitati este acea de a strange fonduri in urma acestui triatlon. Generozitatea dumneavoastra va asigura ca aceste initiative continua, si vor deveni piatra de temelie a unei puternici comunitati Romano-Americane.
Haideti sa ne ajutam comunitatea si sa transformam acest vis in realitate!
Va multumesc,
On September 10th, Dan Danieluc will compete in his 6th Ironman(triathlon). On that Sunday, Dan will swim 1.2-mile (1.9 km), bicycle ride 56-mile (90 km) and run a half marathon 13.1-mile (21.1 km). All this in less than 8 hours!
In 2012, when Dan Danieluc decided to participate for the first time in the Ironman, he used a refurbished, old road bike to complete his first triathlon. Dan is always looking for opportunities to help and inspire his friends and to make a positive difference in other people’s lives. His will is to raise funds for Scoala de Limba Romana, Cultura si Traditii Romanesti. Our RomAmPro team would like to thank Dan for taking on this challenge and for his support to the youngest members of our Romanian-American community!
Go DAN!!!
To support Dan and his cause, click on the following link: .