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September Updates - RomAmPro School and more!

Dear Parents and Friends of the Romanian Community,

We have been working hard to create new programs, activities and exciting opportunities for our community members. Without further ado here are our current announcements :

1. Scoala Romaneasca is opening its doors on Friday September 28th 2018 starting at 6:00pm for a fun-filled Open House. During this evening children will be busy-bees experimenting with science, making slime, playing games, make Cotton Candy and eat it too! As we take care of the children, we invite you, the adults, to come and learn about our new projects, the new year’s curriculum, register for classes, meet other Romanian families, give us suggestions about what you would like to see happening. Light refreshments will be served!

For details download flyers

2. After-School Enrichment Classes begin on Friday September 28th 2018. For now we are offering:

  • a class for children between the ages of 5-12 years every Friday from 6:30-7:30pm. The program will last 12 weeks. Register for all 12 weeks at once and save! Download flyer for more details

  • a class for adults that want to learn Romanian or English. As of right now these classes are also set for Fridays 6:30pm-7:30pm. If we need to we are open to add more evenings. This class focuses on vocabulary expansion and conversations. The ESL class is meant to help you improve your English and to help you feel comfortable speaking in your everyday life.

  • a class for the little ones. This class is meant for children under 4 and it is a fun way of introducing Romanian to children through songs, dance and little poems. This class does not have a set date yet. We want you to tell us when it would be convenient and we will schedule it based on majority’s availability.

  • we are also offering private lessons for both English and Romanian. If you are interested in private lessons please reach out to us and we will provide you with all the details.

3. Family Fun Nights/Days: look out for information on Family Fun Nights (such as movie night or trick-or-treat) and Family Fun Outings (such hiking or field trips). These will be released as they will be scheduled. Please note Scoala Romaneasca’s students have priority if space is limited.

4. Community Outreach: we recently learned that our community as not as well known as it should, therefore we will be setting up different community outreach events (such as feeding the homeless, clothing drive, making greeting cards for nursing homes etc) and we hope that you and your children will participate in these wonderful meaningful events. Let’s teach our children the value in giving!

5. RomAmPro in the News: Our August Picnic event was featured by the Romania-Insider magazine under the Community Voice section. Happy reading!

6. Community events: Please save the date for the 5th edition of Alianta Awards Gala on Friday evening, November 16, 2018, at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, DC. For registration information click here.


Dragi Parinti si Prieteni ai Comunitatii Romane,

Avem bucuria sa va aducem la cunostinta urmatoarele activitati:

​​1. Scoala Romaneasca isi deschide portile vineri 28 septembrie, 2018 incepand cu ora 6:00 PM! Va invitam la un open house plin de activitati distractive. In aceasta seara, copiii vor fi ocupati precum albinutele, cu experimente stiintifice, preparand slime, jucandu-se, facand vata de zahar si mancand-o apoi! In acest timp, parintii vor putea afla detalii despre noile noastre proiecte, programa scolara, procesul de inscrieire la scoala, sa se cunoasca cu alte familii de romani si sa ne faca sugestii pentru imbogatirea activitatii scolii noastre. Se vor servi gustari si sucuri!

​​2. Primele lectii vor avea loc vineri 28 septembrie, 2018. In prezent oferim:

  • Curs pentru copii in categoria de varsta 5-12 ani, in fiecare vineri intre 6:30-7:30 PM. Programul dureaza 12 saptamani. Se recomanda sa inscrieti copiii pentru intreaga durata a cursului pentru a economisi. Gasiti detalii in aceasta brosura.

  • Curs pentru adultii care doresc sa invete limba romana sau limba engleza. Acest curs este programat in prezent vinerea intre 6:30-7:30 PM. In functie de solicitari, putem adauga si alte zile. Cursul de limba romana are ca obiectiv imbogatirea vocabularului si conversatie. Cursul de ESL (English as a Second Language) isi propune sa dezvolte cunoasterea limbii engleze, cu accent pe abilitatea conversationala.

  • Curs pentru cei mici. Asteptam copii sub 4 ani pentru ca jucandu-se, invatand cantece, dansuri si poezii sa se familiarizeze cu limba romana. Neavand inca o zi programata, va rugam sa ne instiintati disponibiliatea dumneavoastra petru a decide in functie de majoritatea cerintelor.

  • Lectii private pentru limbile engleza si romana. Daca sunteti interesati, solicitati-ne si va vom oferi detalii.

​​3. Activitati distractive pentru intreaga familie: va vom informa ulterior despre organizarea acestor activitati precum seara de film, trick or treat, iesiri cu familia (drumetii, vizite, excursii). Acestea vor fi anuntate cu cel putin o saptamana inaintea evenimentului. Va rugam sa aveti in vedere ca elevii Scolii Romanesti au prioritate la participare.

​​4. Ocazii de voluntariat: recent am aflat ca, din pacate, comunitatea noastra nu este indeajuns cunoscuta. Ca urmare, vom organiza variate activitati (hranirea celor nevoiasi, colectare de imbracaminte si mancare, confectionare felicitari pentru azile si orfelinate etc.). Speram ca atat dumneavoastra cat si copiii veti lua parte la aceste evenimente de suflet. Sa punem accent pentru copiii nostri pe bucuria de a darui!

5. RomAmPro in presa din Romania: Picnic-ul organizat in luna August este subiectul unui articol din sectiunea Vocea Comunitatii a revistei Romania-Insider. Lectura placuta!

Va multumim pentru timpul si sprijinul acordat. Gasiti atasat brosura cursurilor si cea pentru Open House. Va astapam in numar cat mai mare in seara de 28 septembrie ora 6:00PM si la toate aventurile ce vor urma!

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